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Classificação Tarifária

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Código Descrição Tarifa
0406 Cheese and curd:
0406.10 Fresh (Unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese, and curd:
Other than of a dry matter content, by weight, not exceeding 48%, chopped not exceeding 4g per each, frozen, in immediate packings, of a content exceeding 5 kg:
0406.10.01 Intended for use as materials for processed cheese (excluding those of subheadings 0406.20 and 0406.30) for the quantity (quota) stipulated by a Cabinet Order, within the limits of the quantity of prospective domestic demand in the coming fiscal year (April-March) with deduction of the quantity of prospective domestic production, international market situation and other relevant conditions (hereinafter in this heading referred to as "the pooled quota") 29.8%
0406.10.02 Of a dry matter content, by weight, not exceeding 48%, chopped not exceeding 4g per each, frozen, in immediate packings, of a content exceeding 5kg 22.4%
0406.10.09 Other than of a dry matter content, by weight, not exceeding 48%, chopped not exceeding 4g per each, frozen, in immediate packings, of a content exceeding 5kg, excluding intended for use as materials for processed cheese (excluding those of subheadings 0406.20 and 0406.30) for the quantity (quota) stipulated by a Cabinet Order, within the limits of the quantity of prospective domestic demand in the coming fiscal year (April-March) with deduction of the quantity of prospective domestic production, and also in consideration of the quantity of prospective domestic production, international market situation and other relevant conditions (hereinafter in this heading referred to as "the pooled quota") 29.8%
0406.20 Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds:
0406.20.10 Of processed cheese 40%
0406.20.20 Other 26.3%
0406.30 Processed cheese, not grated or powdered 40%
0406.40 Blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by Penicillium roqueforti:
0406.40.01 Intended for use as materials for processed cheese, for "the pooled quota" 29.8%
0406.90 Other cheese:
0406.90.01 Intended for use as materials for processed cheese, for "the pooled quota" 29.8%
0406.40.09 Other 29.8%

Exigência específica de exportação

  • Certificado de cuarentena de importación para productos de origen animal. Import Quarantine Certificate for Animal Products
  • Certificado veterinario de salud animal Veterinary Health Certificate for Animal Products
  • Documento que certifica que los productos son aptos para el consumo en lo que respecta a su contenido de dioxinas. Certificate of Dioxin Content
  • Consumo de Queijo

    Queso no procesado
    Valor / Volume 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
    Retail Value RSP 160 169 181 193 205
    Total Volume 111 115 117 119 125
    Retail Volume 43 45 45 48 52
    Foodservice Volume 68 70 72 71 73
    Queso procesado
    Valor / Volume 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
    Retail Value RSP 170 175 187 191 197
    Total Volume 105 106 109 110 114
    Retail Volume 77 79 82 83 87
    Foodservice Volume 28 27 27 27 27